Olufemi A. Ogun
A Direct Marketing Professional and a Chartered Insurance Practitioner per excellence for whom commitment to meritocracy, accountability, and excellence is a way of life.
She attended Ogun State University (now Olabisi Onabanjo University), Ago-Iwoye, and University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) where she graduated with a B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Business Administration and MBA (Marketing), respectively.
In her pursuit for better academic and corporate excellence, she proceeded to Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, United Kingdom where she completed a Master’s degree programme (M.SC.) in Corporate Governance. This gave her a better understanding of the general corporate world and legal requirements of running a successful business.
Prior to the above, she pioneered the Direct Marketing Department of Perpetual Assurance Company Ltd. as Marketing Manager/HOD in 1994 and rose to the post of a Controller in 2000. In recognition of her dedication and commitment to duty and the many successes recorded on the job,
she was seconded to Genesis Insurance Brokers Ltd. as the G.M./C.E.O – an ailing company in dire need of a turn-around. Here, she cut her teeth in insurance broking and was able to bring the company to profitability within 2 years. Femi qualified as an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria (ACIIN) in 1998 by examination and was accordingly elected an Associate member of the Institute in 1999. She is a confident, creative and thoroughbred professional. It was in recognition of this that the Direct Marketing Association of Nigeria (DMAN) bestowed on her, in 2004 a Fellowship Award of the Association. She is a member of the International Insurance Society (IIS), USA and a Past President (2012-2014) of Professional Insurance Ladies Association (PILA).
Her experience in various capacities and different arms of the insurance industry in Nigeria such as Underwriting and Broking, as a relevant decision maker, has given her a thorough understanding of the industry. Thus, her role at different time as a Chief Technical Officer, Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Executive Officer respectively, provided her an uncommon advantage in the complete value chain of insurance products and services.
A consummate administrator, Femi is also a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria (FIIN), Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers (FCIB), the Institute of Management Consultants of Nigeria (FIMC) and a Certified Management Consultant.
Femi is a member of Ikoyi Club 1938 and loves to play Golf and Lawn Tennis. She also belongs to the prestigious Women in Management and Business (WIMBIZ) – a women advocacy group – where she volunteers as a Mentor, Sponsor, etc.
All these and more have made her a Total Corporate and Social Player as she is presently the Founder/CEO of Peril Guard Insurance Brokers Limited, since 2006.